Everything Vala Offers

Coaching Packages

Focus On What Matters

We wanted Vala to embody everything we believe in and more; Giving a strong energy, a choice to live better and fully, the strength to continue to grow, and to protect and be true to yourself.


Our Lifestyle coaching is designed to facilitate the transformation of one's life from the inside out. With higher accountability through elevated attentiveness from your coach, the two of you will embark on this transformational journey together. Equipping you with a guide and the resources to untangle the mental roadblocks that have set your perceived limitations. This approach will strengthen your level of awareness, while providing you the mental fortitude required to; break bad habits & overcome the 'triggers' that have held you back from your potential and limited your results in the past, transforming YOU and your lifestyle to achieve sustained success in the pursuit of your goals.    

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Contest Prep

Are you ready to take your fitness journey to the next level and compete on the stage? Then you need Vala Contest Prep! Our qualified and experienced team of contest prep coaches will work closely with you to choose a show that fits your timeline, help identify the proper division that complements your overall physique, and ensure that your overall health and safety remain a priority. With our science-based strategy, your prep will consist of a personalized program built to optimize your hormonal, metabolic and physical progression. It's time to elevate you into the ranks of a top-notch competitor. So what are you waiting for? Let us help you achieve your fitness goals today!

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You cannot control every aspect of show day, but what you can control is your stage presence and posing routine. Highlight you're physique in the best way to fit your category, physique and individual style. In person at Armbrust Pro Gym or Zoom & Video posing available.

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