Meet Vala Head Coach & Owner

Livie Lusby

Get to Know Vala Coach Livie Lusby

I was never an athlete and had zero muscle or knowledge about fitness until I decided to make a lifestyle change and step foot into the gym.

Coach Livie

I am here for all parts of your life. Not just your diet and training. I expect honesty and communication, the more I know the more I can help you. You give me 100% I will give you 110% I will give you the tools and I expect you to apply them with all of your effort No one is perfect, it's okay to have a bad day. I am here to dig into the why and help you grow from those days.

Livie's Story

I jumped into fitness alone and lost, I wanted to be more confident, work on my mental health and get strong in all ways. This journey has taken me much farther than I thought possible. Over 10 years of learning, researching, trial and error and experience has shaped who I am today as a woman, athlete and coach. Lifting and fitness changed and saved my life. It has taught me much more than how to eat and workout, but how to persevere, learn from failures, discipline, confidence and gave me the supportive family and community I have today.

Coaching Consultation

Coaching sets my soul on fire...

I love the entire lifestyle transformation that happens when I make it click for my clients. Being a part of their entire journey is more rewarding than anything I have ever done in my life.